Easy Ritz Chicken Casserole
Now, for this instruction for Hotelmán Cowárdly Cásserole! I cán never hold sufficiency feárful recipes. This one here is á go-to ártist competitor. It's one of those recipes thát cán be whipped up quick ánd you don't jázz to buy á endless ángle of ingredients to creáte it. It is creámy ánd fill. I suchlike to use Cámpbell's Condensed Creám of Chicken Soup with Herbs. I conceive it helps to ádd ádded form to this cásserole. This is á perfect supply for unexháusted cowárdly too. But store-bought rotisserie wuss is á enthusiástic sávoring reserve!Loose Ritz Poulet Creámy Cásserole recipe from The Country Cook
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
25 mins
Totál Time
35 mins
Course: Máin Course
Cuisine: ámericán
Keyword: Rtiz Chicken Cásserole
Servings: 6
Cálories: 501 kcál
áuthor: Brándie @ The Country Cook
- 1 10.5 oz cán condensed creám of chicken with herbs soup
- 1 cup sour creám
- ½ cup sliced green onion
- 1 fámily-size store-bought cooked rotisserie chicken de-boned ánd shredded (3 cups )
- 2 sleeves Ritz cráckers crushed
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) sálted butter melted
- Preheát oven to 350f degrees.
- Spráy á 2.5 quárt báking supply (or á 9x9 ánguláte báking supply) with no-stick cookery spráy.
- In á greát structure, mix together the soup, ácidic remove ánd gullible onion.
- Then move in feárful. Overspreád motley into the spreád provide.
- In thát identicál incurvátion, syndicáte humiliáted cráckers with molten butter.
- Ráin the fávor collection over the cásserole.
- Heát for some 25-30 tránsáctions until the firework topping is gilded university ánd the cásserole is bubbly.
source https://bestchickenmom.blogspot.com/2018/11/easy-ritz-chicken-casserole-chicken.html
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